Green transportation will be supported by Erasmus + from 2020


Green transportation, the new major asset of Erasmus+ program, will be fostered from next year. Do you want to know more?

Promoting international mobility while fighting climate change at the same time can seem contradictory. But currently, thanks to Erasmus+ program, thousands of youngsters move around Europe every year, lot of them to take part in projects that tackle envinorment as an issue. This entails, of course, lot of environmental consequences, and the Erasmus+ program is starting to take action.

This is why, in 2020’s Erasmus+ guide, there is a new section called “EXCEPTIONAL COSTS FOR EXPENSIVE TRAVEL”. It considers green transportation as a reason to ask for extra money. It will be possible to go beyond the limits set in the distance calculator in case the participants will take a cleaner means of green transportation, mainly train.

Concretely, the guide says: “Applicants for mobility projects will be allowed to claim financial support for expensive travel costs of participants under the budget heading ‘exceptional costs’ (up to a maximum of 80% of total eligible costs), including cases where the participants opt for cleaner, lower carbon emission means of transport (e.g. train), which result in expensive travel costs” (page 59).

For more details, check HERE the new guide. And let’s travel by train!


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