International seminar: From Policy to Practice


International seminar “From Policy to Practice: Youth Work Supporting Access of Young People to Social Rights – Deadline for applications:17 September 2018, 13:00 p.m

The international seminar will explore the role of youth work in supporting young people’s access to social rights. Furthermore, it will foster peer-exchange on the approaches and frameworks of cooperation between local authorities and youth workers, in order to promote social inclusion for young people. The seminar will bring together up to 50 youth workers, youth specialists and representatives of local and regional authorities who will meet and exchange practices related to the promotion and implementation of the two Council of Europe Committee of Ministers’ Recommendations ( Enter! and Youth work Rec)

The seminar will be held in Kazan, Russian Federation from 9-12 October 2018, and will gather youth work practitioners and local authorities in a 50-50 model. Please share this information with the youth workers, youth organisations or local authorities that you work with and who could contribute with their experiences in working on social inclusion with young people.

Objectives of the seminar:
  1. To develop an understanding of Council of Europe standards and tools of youth policy, youth work and youth participation for interventions aiming to combat discrimination and social exclusion at local and regional levels;
  2. To consolidate experiences and good practices of youth work and youth policy on access to social rights in the Russian Federation and other states parties to the European Cultural Convention;
  3. To identify and explore challenges in working with the Enter! and Youth Work Recommendations and devise future plans for their implementation;
  4. To identify good practices and youth work approaches which support the social inclusion of young people and their access to social rights;
  5. To support and strengthen the networking and cooperation between different stakeholders and partners interested in the implementation of the Enter! and Youth work Recommendations.

Detailed information and online application forms


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