Open call for CoE Advisory Council on Youth seats


Open call for the selection of 10 members of the Youth Advisory Council of the Council of Europe. The participants must be aged between 18 and 30 and represent a youth organisation/network in one of the 50 States Parties to the European Cultural Convention.

What for?

The Youth Advisory Councili is the non-governmental partner in the co-managed decision-making system used in the Council of Europe youth sector. Together with the The European Steering Committee for Youth (CDEJ), the governmental part, they form the Joint Council of Youth (CMJ), which sets the priorities, objectives and budget of the youth sector. There are 30 members in total in the Youth Advisory Council, that should reflect as much as possible the reality of young people and youth work in Europe. They are representatives of international non-governmental youth organisations, of national youth councils, and of non-governmental youth organisations or networks from the 50 States Parties to the ECC.

Which are the tasks?

Providing expertise to the CoE’s bodies that deals with youth issues, raising awareness on the work of the Council, giving information to organisations, networks, peers, social media, etc. about the Council of Europe’s work and standards, gathering opinions, information and proposals from their organisations/networks and their target groups and inform the youth sector.

The candidates should be:

  • aged between 18 and 30;
  • nominated by their organisation/network which must be situated in one of the 50 States Parties to the European Cultural Convention;
  • committed to participating actively in the work of the Advisory Council on Youth;
  • motivated, available and committed to attending the statutory meetings and to representing the Advisory Council in activities relevant to its work, as well as to contributing in writing to consultations and opinions;
  • able to work in English;
  • preferably have experience in at least one of the priority areas of the youth sector.

For further information, please refer to the following link with the official call and the guidelines to submit the online application.

The deadline is 28 April 2019 (23.59 hrs).


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