European Universities 2019


    European Universities 2019 is an action that will test different innovative and structural models of cooperation between the countries of European Community.
    The program aims to establish:
    – a shared, integrated, long-term joint strategy for education with, where possible, links to research and innovation and society at large.
    – a european higher education inter-university campus offering curricula where students can experience mobility at all levels;
    – european knowledge-creating teams addressing together societal challenges in a multi-disciplinary approach.
    ‘European Universities’ should act as models of good practice to progressively increase the quality, international competitiveness and attractiveness of European higher education.
    For further information you can consult the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

    If you want participate at “European Universities 2019” you have the possibility to apply until the 02/28/2019.
    For more detailes save the date about the information session on the European Universities Initiative, in Brussels on the 18th of December.