The New Jean Monnet Grants to Support Schools and VETs

Jean Monnet EU grants


The European Commission has launched a new set of actions to support schools and VETs: these grants will help teachers, teacher training institutions and schools apply for funding to teach about the EU in Erasmus+ Programme countries.

In this article we will cover everything you need to know to access these funds:

– What are the Jean Monnet actions for schools?;

– The actions financed by the Erasmus 2023 programme;

– Deadline and applications;

Let’s start with the first point!

What are the Jean Monnet actions for schools?

The Jean Monnet actions offer opportunities in the field of higher education, as well as in other fields of education and training. More in detail, the European Union will support these actions:

To find out more about the Jean Monnet actions, click here

The actions financed by the Erasmus 2023 programme

The latest Jean Monnet call, available as part of the 2023 Erasmus+ Programme Guide, contains the following actions to support schools:

Jean Monnet Learning EU Initiatives – for individual schools

Learning about European Union initiatives will support schools & Vocational education and training institutions, enabling them to provide content on European Union-based subjects (democracy, EU history, how the EU works, cultural diversity—among others). Activities could include project weeks, study visits and other immersive activities.

To read more about the objectives of the action and the criteria to be met in order to apply for Jean Monnet Learning EU initiatives click here

Networks of school – 6 schools / 3 programme countries

Networks of schools, Vocational education, training institutions and higher education institutions will participate in the Jean Monnet strand by providing Teacher Training /Education. This would give students an international aspect while also allowing them to experience co-teaching within a group of countries.

To read more about the objectives of The Jean Monnet Networks and the criteria to be met to apply click here

Teaching training – for teacher training institutions

This action will support Higher Education Institutions or Teacher Training Institutes/Agencies to organize activities in order to enable teachers in schools and Vocational Education and Training providers to develop new skills, thus empowering them through a better understanding of the EU and its functioning.

To read more about the objectives of the action and which are the criteria to be met to apply for The Jean Monnet Teacher Trainings click here

Deadline and Application

The call opened on 1 December 2022 and the deadline for submitting proposals is 14 February 2023. You can find out how to apply on the specific sections by visiting this website.



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