Training for Quality in Strategic Cooperation

strategic cooperation

An interesting Training Course runs from 7th to 11th September 2021. It covers the topic of strategic cooperation among organisations across sectors to reach quality for your projects.

The Training Course on Strategic Cooperation

The Training Course on strategic cooperation aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality of project preparation and implementation. Plus to achieve a greater positive impact of developed KA2 projects on different levels relevant for youth and the youth field.

The event runs under the supervision of Tempus Public Foundation, the Hungarian National Agency, and in collaboration with other National Agecies. In fact, this is a Training and Cooperation Activity of national agencies of the Erasmus+ Program with the aim of broadening the involvement of organisations in Erasmus+ KA2 partnerships for cooperation, as well as of improving the quality of, and with a positive impact on the youth field. 

The structure of the Activity provides 3 phases, as follows:

  • National activity for preparation of participants prior to the transnational Training Course;
  • Transnational Training Course of 3 full working days;
  • Optional: National follow-up activity (if needed to further support participants).

The Training Course on strategic cooperation will bring together 2-5 participants per country – participants who have taken part in the national activities in their respective country (please contact your NA for further information).

Objectives of the Training Course

The aims of the Training on strategic cooperation are:

  • Support participants in developing KA2 projects in an international context with a special focus on current features and expectations of KA2 in the new Erasmus+ programme;
  • Explore the quality aspects of KA2 youth sectorial or cross-sectorial projects for the youth field;
  • Get familiar with some real projects (being) implemented, and consult with their project promoters;
  • Create opportunities for participants for sharing good practices, for further developing their project ideas as well as for networking and partnership-building.

Participants Profile

The Hungarian National Agency is looking for candidates with the following caracteristics:

  • come from one of the following countries that take part in the Cross Over TCA: Belgium FR, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Serbia or Slovakia;
  • are able to work in English;
  • are 18 or more;
  • can take part in the whole duration of the Training Course;
  • have received the preparation by their respective National Agency;
  • have experience in planning, realizing, evaluating projects (not necessarily on the international level);
  • are part of an organisation/institution/structure that aims to achieve positive impact in the youth field;
  • have at least a project concept for KA2 in/for the youth field or represent a potential KA2 project idea in/for the youth field supported by their organisation (ideally have a mandate to fully take part in the project planning process).

How To Apply

The Training will be in Budapest, Hungary.

To participate, there is an online form to fill out.

Read also

Erasmus+ Project Quality Assessment Guide

Training for Organisation and Staff


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