Programme: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)
Field: European Remembrance (CERV-2024-CITIZENS-REM)
Application deadline: 6th June 2024, 5pm
Funding entity: European Commission – Department of Justice (DG JUST)
This call for proposals, part of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Programme, aims to support projects that commemorate European memory, increase citizens’ awareness and knowledge about the European Union.
It is possible to apply for projects that focus on one or more of these main priorities:
- Moving towards democracy, rebuilding, and strengthening societies based on the rule of law, democracy, and fundamental rights: Projects should center on transitioning from authoritarian and totalitarian regimes to democracy in different European countries.
- Enhancing the memory of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity to strengthen democracy in the EU: Projects should find new ways to remember and educate about these crimes to protect society from threats of hatred, discrimination, racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Roma sentiment, and LGBTIQ-phobia.
- Migration, decolonization, and multicultural European societies: Projects should explore the legacy of colonialism both inside and outside Europe and its impact on contemporary multicultural European societies.
European integration and its outcomes: Projects should explore and promote among all generations the key moments and milestones of European integration, its history, and how these changes have influenced the daily lives of Europeans.
The main goal of this Call for Proposals is to:
- Commemorate specific moments in modern European history, including the causes and consequences of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes;
- Increase awareness among European citizens about history, culture, heritage, and common values;
- Promote understanding of the European Union, its origins, purposes, diversity, and achievements, and the importance of mutual understanding and tolerance.
In this article, we decided to focus only on the priority related to Migration. We will examine the other priorities closely, in future articles.
Activities: Migration, decolonisation and multicultural European societies
One of the activities funded by the call concerns the phenomenon of migration, decolonization and multiculturalism in the European Union.
The projects under this category should investigate the legacy of colonialism, both within and outside Europe, and its impact on contemporary multicultural European societies.
To support the goals of the EU Anti-Racism Action Plan 2020-2025, projects in this area should explore how colonialism has affected both Europe and other parts of the world, and its impact on modern multicultural societies in Europe. Issues like discrimination and racism are still connected to these historical experiences and are significant in the collective memory of many EU countries. Additionally, projects can also focus on raising awareness about the history and culture of the Roma community to help strengthen multicultural societies in Europe. Furthermore, projects can address common experiences of migration in Europe, which can be tied to various events such as wars, transitions, colonisation, decolonization, economic changes, persecution, and more.
The aim of the projects
The projects should bring together different organisations to collaborate effectively. They should create various activities such as training sessions, publications, online tools, research projects, public debates, exhibitions, and awareness campaigns.
The aim is to provide training for rights advocates, civil servants, members of the justice system, and policymakers.
Additionally, projects should offer opportunities for intergenerational exchanges and involve individuals from diverse backgrounds and genders.
While projects can be national or transnational, they must have a significant European focus.
For activities and projects related to migration and colonialism, the budget financed is 2,060,000.00 Euro
The project can be proposed by public or private entities established in one of the eligible countries.
The lead partner must be a non-profit organization or an international organization.
Partners can be non-profit or for-profit legal entities (public or private). For-profit organizations can only apply in partnership with public entities, private non-profit organizations, or international organizations.
Projects must be submitted by a partnership composed of at least 2 entities.