The EACEA is looking for youth organisations, NGO or networks operating in Europe. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency has launched a survey to assess “how the European landscape of youth representation is changing”.
The survey wants to make clear the role of youth organisations and how they affect the level of participation rate among young people. The final purpose is to learn where to intervene, in order to enhance the democratic life in EU.
More in details
The survey is carried out by Ecorys and aims at assessing how young people are involved in the decision-making process at European, national and local level, to ” better understand the value and contribution of EU funding”. More specifically, it wants to:
- map EU youth NGOs and networks
- assess the contribution and impact of EU funding
- identify the new trends in youth participation; and,
- make future funding recommendations.
It is part of the lager European Youth Strategy 2019-2027, under the sector “engage“.

The survey is open to all youth NGOs and networks operating within Europe, and will run until 16th August. Click on this link to take part (it takes no more than 15-20 minutes).