Knowledge Alliances 2019


    Knowledge Alliances are transnational activities aimed at strengthening Europe’s innovation capacity and promoting innovation between higher education institutions and businesses.
    This program is aimed at cooperation between organizations established in the program countries. Partner country organizations can also participate as partners (not as candidates) if they bring an essential added value to the project. The projects are open to any discipline, sector and cross-sectoral cooperation.

    Knowledge Alliances intend to:
    – develop new, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning;
    – stimulate entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills of higher education and company staff;
    – facilitate the exchange, flow and co-creation of knowledge.

    If you want participate at Knowledge Alliances 2019 you have the possibility to apply until the 11/28/2018.
    If you need some help you can consult soon “Your Erasmus + Knowledge Alliances Application Toolkit 2019”.