European Solidarity Corps Programme Guide 2023

european solidarity corps guide 2023

The European Solidarity Corps Guide 2023 has just been published!
The total budget earmarked for this call for proposals is estimated at EUR 142 200 000.

Download the European Solidarity Corps Guide 2023.

European Solidarity Corps Guide 2023

This call for proposals covers the following actions of the European Solidarity Corps programme:

  • Volunteering Projects
  • Volunteering Teams in High Priority Areas
  • Solidarity Projects
  • Quality Label for solidarity volunteering activities
  • Quality Label for humanitarian aid volunteering
  • Volunteering under the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps.

Who Can Participate

Any public or private entity whether non-profit or profit making, local, regional, national or international may apply for funding under the European Solidarity Corps. In addition, groups of young people registered in the European Solidarity Corps Portal, may apply for funding for Solidarity Projects.

The following countries can fully take part in all European Solidarity Corps actions:

  • the 27 Member States of the European Union and Overseas Countries and Territories,
  • third countries associated to the Programme
  • EFTA/EEA countries: Iceland and Liechtenstein,
  • EU candidate countries: the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of North Macedonia


The detailed conditions of this call for proposals, including priorities, can be found in the 2023 European Solidarity Corps Guide.


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