Project Result | TikTok… Time for Stories Toolkit

project result

This toolbox was developed during the project “TikTok…Time for Stories”, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.

The project aimed at creating communication tools and strategies useful for those youth workers and organisations that want to use social media as tools to actively involve young people – especially those with fewer opportunities – in social and educative activities.

The Youth Exchange and the Training Course in Galbiate

To achieve this goal, we implemented a Youth Exchange and a Training Course. Both the activities took place in Galbiate (Italy), between July and October 2022. The former aimed at analyzing, together with a group of teenagers, the way in which they themselves use social media and the kind of narrations they use. The latter, instead, building on the information collected during the Youth Exchange, aimed at providing youth workers and teachers with tools to create participatory and effective social media campaigns, targeting young people.

The Project

The project addressed 2 main issues:

  • Lack of technical knowledge among the youth workers: difficulties to approach platforms such as Tik Tok and Instagram, which are the most used by our target. We wanted, beyond acquiring technical knowledge, to be explained by the young people about how they use these platforms.
  • Difficulties with creating content: difficulty to communicate with young people and to create social media content that can be really appealing to them. Therefore, we wanted both to develop general knowledge about social communication and to deepen, with young people, the most popular narrations and content.

Objectives of the project

The objectives of the project were:

  • Providing young people with a space where to discuss and confront about the topic of social media;
  • Providing young people with theoretical and practical knowledge on digital storytelling, fake news and campaigning;
  • Promoting, among young people, social media as tools for social commitment, involving them in the creation of content and campaigns;
  • Providing organisations, working with young people, and youth workers with general tools and competences on social media, with a focus on Instagram and Tik Tok, in order to reach young people;
  • Creating tools and strategies, useful for organisations and youth workers, in order to reach and involve young people in social and volunteer activities, through social media;
  • Promoting among organisations and institution, inside and outside the partnership, the use of social media as a tool for inclusion and involvement;
  • Promoting good practices like the active involvement of young people in the creation of the online campaigns of the organisations;
  • Offering an opportunity of intercultural learning and the possibility to know new realities and lifestyles;
  • Improving the transversal and management competences of the participants, through non-formal education activities and self-management;
  • Promoting the Erasmus+ programme and the opportunities offered by the European Commission.

Download the TOOLKIT.

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