Communication Guidelines For Project Beneficiaries

communication EU projects

The EU-funded projects are goldmines of stories that tell how EU programmes contribute to improving society and to achieving the Commission’s political priorities. It is thus a priority to set out and implement a communication strategy to spread the word about your EU projects in the most effective way.

The project beneficiaries of Erasmus+ can now benefit from a step-by-step guide accompanying them in their “communication journey”, from their planning phase until evaluation of their communication activities’ impact.

These guidelines aim to encourage programmes’ beneficiaries to share their stories and project results with their local communities, stakeholders and EU Institutions and give access to a wide range of tools and resources to maximise project’s promotion.

Communication Guidelines For Projects’ Beneficiaries

This guide aims to support beneficiaries of Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps and Creative Europe programmes in their communication activities.

These communication guidelines consist of five sections organised in chronological steps. Each step is explained according to the “what, why, how” methodology, which aims to show all the details of the actions you will perform.

Never Start Without Planning

EU-funded projects may have a long-term cycle, made up of different stages and different partners involved. That’s why it is important to plan your communication activities and agree upon tasks accordingly.

Create Your Visual Identity

A visual identity includes all visual elements (i.e.: logo, font, images) that can be associated with your project. It reflects your communication strategy, the context of the Programme and underpins all your communication activities.

Write Your Project’s Stories From The Beginning

Document your journey and turn your destination into a compelling read! Let your target audience know what you are up to: from your project goals and partners’ roles to activities or outputs, your project stories can inspire the public, policymakers and organisations that are active in your field.

Share Your Project Results

Communication goes beyond the activity itself, like writing news about your project or a post on social media. Communication happens when you effectively reach your target audiences and manage to engage with them. To do so, it is essential to share your stories and results through the right channels. This step is a key moment of your #CommsJourney and show how your project can make a difference!

Don’t Forget Evaluation

Evaluating your communication activities and understanding how effective they are is the last step of successful strategic communication

Download the Guidelines for your EU Projects Communications.

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Project Results: “Inner Bridge: From Self Awareness To Self Expression”

The Meaning of Solidarity in European Projects


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