Head higher | Project Result



Head higher – We are the wellbeing ambassadors” Erasmus KA210 project took place in 2023. It involved Lounais-Häme Educational Consortium in Finland and IES Virgen de la Paz in Spain.

The organisation held two-week training sessions where participants tried out different activities to feel better in workplaces and schools, checked how well they worked, and picked the best ones for an online book. Also, the students made posters about the topic.

The project went really well, with two schools working together, including teachers, students, and people from the business world.

Over 50 students and six organisations representatives took part in the project.

The objectives

The Wellbeing Ambassador project had as goal to create a guide with tips to help people feel better at school or work.

Participants created the guide with input from organisations in Spain and Finland, to get different perspectives and best practices from across Europe.

The project aims to strengthen the relationship between work and school, and the guide will keep being used even after the project ends.

The activities

During the Erasmus project, a series of activities actively promoted well-being and collaboration across borders.

The project Head higher initiated with the creation of a concept during online planning sessions, where ideas actively exchanged and refined.

Subsequently, representatives actively interviewed 20 different organisations in both countries to gather insights and best practices.

Drawing from the successful experience of IOW College in the UK, which actively organised Mental Health First Aid education, the project organisers actively integrated these learnings into their approach.

Two 5-day events were then actively organised in Finland and Spain, bringing together students, teachers, and representatives from organisations. These events actively served as platforms for knowledge exchange, skill-building, and networking.

Additionally, participants actively created a toolkit to consolidate the project’s findings and best practices, and actively shared it across different platforms and forums, ensuring widespread dissemination and impact.

The impact

The project Head higher significantly impacted participants.

By providing guidance on self-care in academic and professional settings, participants became better equipped to prioritise their well-being.

Through the exchange of innovative ideas and strategies, they gained valuable insights into promoting well-being at work.

Moreover, this initiative cultivated a culture of mutual support, as everyone involved actively learned how to enhance their own and others’ well-being.

Additionally, by emphasising the importance of well-being, schools participating in past Erasmus programs actively developed stronger international collaboration skills, ultimately enriching their ability to work effectively with partners from other countries.

Do you want to know more?

So, would you like to know more about this project and its results? Visit the project result portal!


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