Youth In Global Politics | Policy Dialogue



Do you want to learn more about topics such as youth in global politics, green transition, public diplomacy and youth engagement, disinformation, defence, the promotion of peace and security, and human rights?

These were some of the topics discussed during the policy dialogue during the celebration of the European Year of Youth 2022.

High Representative/vice-president, Josep Borrell organised a conference in which 18 young people from all over Europe participated and shared their views on the EU foreign policy.

If you could not attend the event read on to find out what were the results of the discussion. You can also find more information about the event on the official website.

The objectives of the dialogue

The conference focused mainly on the following topics:

  1. Host a platform where the young leaders of tomorrow could present and discuss with the HR/VP youth initiatives that play (or could play) a role in foreign affairs.
  2. Bring together young experts and today’s policy makers, forging a constructive dialogue on the future of the European Union in the world.
  3. Discuss the role of youth on EU foreign affairs and share a young vision for the future of the EU and youth in global politics, as the leaders of tomorrow.

The event was a useful opportunity to share views among participants and create new guidelines for future decisions.

Take aways from the dialogue

At the end of the event participants could draw some final decisions that the EU commission will use in the future for new youth policies.

These were the take aways from the dialogue:

  1. A youth approach to EU Foreign Policy, including Security and Defence. A few people brought up the point that security encompasses more than just military activities and can also refer to more general topics like social welfare, economy, and climate change.
  2. Youth participation in External Action. The EU should further encourage youth participation in EU external policies and actions. It is important to implement programs like the EU Youth Action Plan.
  3. Cultural exchanges between Europe and the World. Participants discussed on how culture is much more than just the arts or literature. It encompasses customs, ancestry, understanding between people, history, and knowledge in general. In order to do this, cultural diplomacy is crucial. Participants commented programs like Erasmus+ for serving as a model of are useful to achieve these goals.
  4. Living conditions of youth worldwide. It is very important that the youth perspective are taken into account in all policy goals, including EU external activity.


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